Azienda Agricola Il Poggetto
di Weissauer e Soziaghi
Via Boschetto, 12 - 06064 Panicale (Perugia)
Tel. 075 837391 -
P.IVA / C.F. 03023270543
Olive Oil
We produce 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil, obtained by pressing the following varieties of olives: Leccino, Frantoio, Moraiolo, Dolce Agogia.
The olives are harvested early to ensure the highest product quality, thanks to systems that intercept the olives without allowing them to touch the ground. The milling takes place within 24 hours of harvesting, strictly cold and only by mechanical means, to obtain a tasty oil with low levels of acidity and high polyphenol content. Store at a temperature of 14 ° - 18 ° C (58 ° – 65° F)
The wine "Il Poggetto" is a red IGT wine composed mainly of Sangiovese. The small vineyard allows us to carefully control our wine production. Our wine has an intense color, a full-bodied flavor, with an alcohol content that, depending on the vintage, varies between 13 and 14 percent. The legendary flavors of Sangiovese are on full display in our wine with prominent notes of: red and black cherry and red berries. Best enjoyed between 16 and 18 ° C (60° -65° F)
The cultivation of saffron flowers is a real passion for us. The precious spice requires painstaking and meticulous effort to sow and cultivate but reaches a zenith in its harvest.. This operation must be carried out manually in the early hours of the morning to maintain the spice’s unmistakable aroma. The small red filaments are separated delicately and dried at low temperatures to be kept year round. We sell saffron in packages of 0,25 g.
How to use it: a few hours before use(the more time you leave, the better) crumble the saffron with your fingertips and steep in a cup with a little hot water or broth, then cover to preserve the aroma and color (you will need about 5 stamens per person). Add to your dish, just before plating.
Questo’olio extravergine di oliva è il primo ad essere estratto, a metà ottobre, da olive di cultivar Frantoio.
La raccolta precoce conferiscono a quest’olio extra vergine di oliva una notevole carica fenolica.
Colpisce per la sua piacevolezza al palato perché risulta dal gusto armonico ma ravvivato da un piccante deciso ma raffinato e piacevolmente persistente.
Consigliato per dare spessore a piatti equilibrati a cui saprà donare personalità senza sovrastarne i sapori. Indicato su carni bianche e pesce alla griglia, su insalate ricche e verdure lesse e grigliate.
Our jam are made up of 95g of fruit per 100g of product with the only addition of brown sugar and lemon juice. It is an absolutely genuine product without the addition of pectin. It can be eaten for breakfast, on bread or toast, or as an appetizer by combining it with cheeses.
Questo olio monocultivar si produce da una varietà di oliva, la leccina, tra le più conosciute in Italia, sicuramente la più diffusa sul territorio nazionale. Se ne ricava un olio molto delicato.
Olio Extravergine di Oliva di leggera intensità, equilibrati gli amari ed i piccanti; risaltano sensazioni morbide ma persistenti di erba ed ortaggi freschi.
Indicato per crudità di pesce e carni, torte dolci e salate, formaggi stagionati e per piatti complessi e speziati, dove la ricchezza di sapori trova la massima esaltazione.